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PosiGen 2023: Making Solar for All Simple, Accessible, and Impactful

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Lighting the Way to a Sustainable Future

As we bid farewell to the year 2023, PosiGen is humbled to take a look back at the impactful milestones, an unyielding dedication to our mission, vision, and values. Our commitment to the democratization of clean and affordable solar energy has been reflected in the journey throughout this year. We are thankful to our customers and employees who have embarked on this journey with us to embrace solar power and energy efficiency—a journey marked not only by savings on their electric bills but also by a meaningful contribution to the well-being of our planet. Join us in exploring our community initiatives and the momentous milestones. 

Solar for All: Illuminating Lives, One Home at a Time

PosiGen is propelled by a profound conviction that solar energy should be within reach for all homeowners. In our guiding philosophy, the mantra "solar for all" epitomizes our commitment to making solar energy accessible to everyone. In 2023, over 6,000 families joined the solar revolution due to the PosiGen leasing program - many of whom would have not been able to realize energy savings through traditional methods. The impact of those decisions was astounding, with families saving an average of $640 per customer.

This translates into an impressive total of 88 million kilowatt hours of energy generated by our state-of-the-art rooftop solar panels, effectively thwarting the release of nearly 62,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere.

To grasp the true significance of these achievements, consider the environmental impact, it's the equivalent to one of the following:

  • avoiding 160 million miles of driving
  • saving 7 million gallons of gasoline
  • preserving 144,000 barrels of oil
  • preventing the burning of 70 million pounds of coal,
  • recycling 21,660 tons of garbage. 

Beyond mere numbers, this serves as a testament to the positive ripple effect initiated by each solar panel installation.

A Year of Community Engagement: Educating, Empowering, and Transforming

This year we lived our mission to bring solar and savings to more underserved communities. In our unwavering commitment to driving positive change, PosiGen went out into the neighborhoods and communities we serve, orchestrating 125 impactful community events nationwide. The PosiGen Community Partnerships Team formed alliances with non-profits, community-based organizations, and local governments. Our collaborative efforts with the Mayors of Hartford, CT, and New Haven, CT, spearheaded Solar for All city campaigns, delivering solar education and resources directly to residents.

In addition, PosiGen employees joined forces with Marathon Capital in March of this year to give back to our New Orleans community. . Together, they contributed their time and expertise to donate solar and energy efficiency enhancements to two homes in the New Orleans' 9th Ward, elevating the community with sustainable solutions. This not only empowered the individual homeowners but also served as a symbol of our commitment to delivering energy savings to those communities that need it most.  

Due to the extraordinary growth and community commitment we displayed as an organization, we had the distinct honor of hosting the U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen at our corporate headquarters in St. Rose, LA. This visit placed a national spotlight on our mission to bring clean energy solutions to underserved communities across the country. The focus of Secretary Yellen’s visit centered on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and its potential impacts on the markets PosiGen serves, particularly the low- to moderate-income communities in the New Orleans metropolitan area. The visit provided an opportunity for Secretary Yellen to gain insights from members of the PosiGen team about our company mission, our approach to providing solar and energy efficiency services, and how the Inflation Reduction Act would accelerate our efforts.

PosiGen’s Executive Chairman, Tom Neyhart, expressed gratitude, stating, “We were honored to host Secretary Yellen and showcase what makes PosiGen special. With over a decade of service to disadvantaged communities, we understand their unique needs and recognize the pivotal role the IRA plays in their future. PosiGen, bolstered by the IRA, is poised to dismantle both financial and non-financial barriers, making Solar for All an achievable reality.”

B Corp Certification: Elevating our Commitment to Sustainable Practices

Just announced in December, PosiGen has achieved the prestigious B Corp Certification, marking a substantial milestone that underscores our steadfast dedication to social and environmental excellence. This esteemed certification not only solidifies our unwavering commitment to elevated standards but also serves as a poignant testament to our resolute dedication to social and environmental responsibility. 

Scoring 80 points in the certification process, PosiGen underscores its commitment to transparent business practices, legal accountability, and verified impact. This recognition aligns seamlessly with our overarching mission of addressing the clean energy affordability gap in underserved communities.

The journey towards B Corp Certification mirrors PosiGen's ongoing commitment to sustainable energy accessibility. With a workforce where over 65% identify as women and/or Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), and a positive influence on over 25,000 homeowners, PosiGen embodies corporate responsibility in its truest form. Our mission extends beyond utility bill reduction; it aims to transform communities through sustainable practices, harnessing the inexhaustible power of the sun to make clean energy accessible to those who need it most.

The certification journey extends beyond performance metrics, necessitating a profound legal commitment. Companies commit to reshaping their corporate governance structures, fostering accountability to all stakeholders, not just shareholders. PosiGen fulfilled the legal requirement for B Corp certification by electing Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) status. As a PBC, PosiGen prioritizes social good, commiting to high levels of accountability and transparency.

PosiGen stands as an innovator in the renewable energy landscape, leading with initiatives such as residential rooftop solar leasing and energy efficiency upgrades. These endeavors not only result in decreased utility expenses but also underscore our commitment to harnessing the inherent ecological benefits of clean energy. This dedication lies at the core of PosiGen's identity, with our pursuit of B Corp certification mirroring an enduring commitment to ensuring that sustainable energy is both accessible and affordable for everyone. PosiGen further solidifies this commitment by embracing state-of-the-art technologies, thereby reaffirming its pledge to create a lasting positive impact on the environment and the communities it serves.

Looking Ahead: A Bright Future for PosiGen and Beyond

As we step into 2024, PosiGen embraces a year of growth, innovation, and continued impact. Our mission remains unwavering: to provide solar energy for everyone, delivering energy savings, energy efficiency, and clean energy to all. With gratitude for the communities we serve and a renewed commitment to a sustainable future, we look forward to another year of lighting the way toward positive change.

Here's to a better, brighter new year for our families, communities, and the world.


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