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More solar means more benefits for New Yorkers

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Are you a New Yorker? Going solar can benefit you and your community

The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), enacted in 2019, requires powering the New York grid with 70% renewable energy by 2030, and 100% emissions-free energy resources by 2040, all while delivering 40% of the utility bill savings and other benefits to the communities where they matter most. While large utility projects can typically be built faster and cheaper than rooftop and community solar, utility solar has struggled to take off due to economic pressures and challenges with getting the equipment needed to build them.

Instead, rooftop and community solar (in which multiple people subscribe to the benefits of an off-site solar project) have been leading the charge. New York is ahead of schedule toward meeting the state’s goal of deploying 10 gigawatts (GW) of rooftop and community solar (collectively known as distributed solar) by 2030. In fact, distributed solar projects currently make up 93% of the solar that New York has installed!

New York’s distributed solar industry is well-positioned to help close the gap in reaching the state’s clean energy goals with rooftop and community solar while delivering significant benefits to households, businesses, and communities across the state. That’s why the New York Solar Energy Industries Association (NYSEIA) has developed its 20x35 Policy Roadmap, calling on state leaders to raise the distributed solar goal from 10 GW by 2030 to 20 GW by 2035. Scaling up will include an additional 10 GW of distributed solar.

PosiGen is excited by NYSEIA’s proposal to increase NY state’s distributed solar targets because it means that more people will be able to experience the cost-savings and health benefits of clean energy!


More solar means more benefits for New Yorkers

Many of the policies included in the 20x35 plan are advantageous for homeowners in the state. Here’s a look at how you and your family could stand to benefit:

  • Utility bill savings

    Solar can help lower your monthly electricity bill. Currently, your home relies on the grid for power. Due to the rising costs of transmission lines and fuel, your local utility will continue to charge you more. By producing your own electricity from the sun that hits your roof, you don’t need to use as much from the grid. Solar is the cheapest form of electricity, so you can use the money you save toward other things!

    So, installing more solar in New York will mean that more people can save on their electric bills. NYSEIA estimates that the proposed 10 GW of additional distributed solar will generate enough solar energy to power 1.8 million typical New York homes and provide about $1.65 billion in total annual electricity bill savings for New Yorkers who either install solar panels or subscribe to an offsite solar project. Over 25 years, these savings will grow to nearly $50 billion with at least 40% of these savings benefiting communities that struggle to afford their energy.

  • Jobs and workforce development

    Solar also takes a strong workforce. Another 10 GW of solar is estimated to create about 15,000 additional jobs. A growing share of solar construction positions will be high-paid and union jobs due to prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements embedded in state and federal incentives. Different career opportunities are available, including both blue-collar and white-collar jobs, ranging from entry-level installer to journeyman electrician, project coordinator to senior project manager, and junior drafter to senior solar PV designer.

    Expanding New York’s distributed solar goal will allow local solar companies to create and grow partnerships with small businesses and develop workforce connections with academic institutions, workforce agencies, and labor unions to bring more local work to residents.

  • Reliable and secure power


    Having many small, distributed solar projects closer to communities where the energy is consumed, rather than large, centralized infrastructure, reduces the risk of outages. Homeowners can enjoy more reliable power in the face of cyberattacks and natural disasters.
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  • Better public health

    Unlike traditional sources of power like burning coal, solar doesn’t emit any harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental justice communities are often disproportionately affected by fossil fuel pollution, so switching to solar can improve public health in these areas.

    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is also key to reducing the impacts of climate change for future generations. Moreover, distributed solar takes up less land than large utility projects, which leaves more space for agriculture and prevents irreversible changes to the land to preserve it for future use.

    These benefits only increase when homeowners in New York install solar with PosiGen. Our solar leases enable PosiGen to further our mission of bringing Solar to All. We own and maintain your solar energy system, so we claim the tax credit and pass the savings and clean energy access onto you through affordable lease payments. Leasing allows you to transform your home and get all the benefits of solar power at a low cost.
  • No upfront costs:

    Start your solar journey without the hassle of large upfront costs. Leasing solar panels is like renting instead of buying them, reducing the immediate financial burden.
  • Easy, monthly payments:

    We set up a monthly ACH debit so you can conveniently manage your payments. If you ever run into trouble and can’t make your payment, PosiGen goes through all available options to ensure you can remain part of our clean energy family and continue to reduce your utility costs.
  • Maintenance included:

    As your system’s owner, we provide monitoring, maintenance and insurance for the life of the lease. There’s no need to worry about unexpected expenses or learning how to take care of your installation. Just focus on enjoying the benefits without stressing about solar panel upkeep.

    For all of these reasons, New Yorkers can personally benefit from going solar while bringing the benefits of clean energy to more communities state-wide.

PosiGen is pushing for change

The 20x35 plan includes proposed policy changes that could further support rooftop and community solar. For example, even though residential solar can be installed in a day or two, the permitting process can extend the timeline by months. By incorporating permitting automation software, it’s possible to lower costs and shorten timelines without sacrificing safety.

As members, PosiGen is working with NYSEIA to push for change. You can help by exploring PosiGen leasing options for your home. Together, we can build 20 GW of solar in New York by 2035!

Find more PosiGen customer resources here.

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