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Loving your solar array? Consider these other energy savings options

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As the world continues to seek sustainable and cost-effective energy sources, solar energy stands out as an obvious choice. If you haven’t already made the switch to clean energy, explore the benefits of solar and schedule a consultation with us to learn more. If you’re already enjoying the advantages of PosiGen solar leasing, congrats! You are one step closer to saving money. But did you know there’s even more you can do to lower your utility bills?

Making energy efficiency improvements, in addition to going solar, can help homeowners reduce their electricity use and maximize their overall energy performance to save money and mitigate harmful carbon emissions. That’s why PosiGen conducts an energy efficiency audit and makes improvements before installing your solar. From sealing air leaks around doors to placing insulating wraps around hot water tanks, these measures help reduce your energy demand, increase savings, improve your comfort, and lessen your environmental impact. However, the more you continue to search for ways to reduce your energy use, the more you will benefit! Here’s some more information to increase your understanding of energy consumption as well as additional ideas to further reduce it.

Consider energy consumption

Energy consumption significantly impacts our daily lives, from the money in our pockets to the pollution in our air. With rising utility costs and increasing concerns about climate change, households must consider the amount of energy they’re consuming. 

Energy consumption refers to the total amount of energy needed for a particular process and is usually measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). A kWh is equal to the amount of energy you would use if you kept a 100-watt light bulb running for ten hours. The average U.S. household consumes a significant amount of energy, about 10,500 kWh annually.


Drawing energy from home solar while improving energy efficiency will help reduce your energy consumption, benefit the environment and lower your utility bill. Solar panels can supply households with renewable electricity, reducing dependence on traditional power sources, while a variety of energy savings options exist to reduce your usage. Here are some suggestions:

  • Beware of energy vampires

    In our modern digital lives, we often overlook things that can slowly “suck away” our money. These so-called “energy vampires” are silent but costly devices and appliances that continue to draw power even when turned off, adding up to hundreds of dollars worth of wasted energy you are paying for year-round. Instead, make sure to unplug what you’re not using, such as blow dryers, curling irons, electric shavers, toasters, coffee makers, microwaves, computers, and small televisions to put money back in your wallet.

  • Choose efficient lighting

    While PosiGen likely upgraded your home’s light bulbs to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) during our efficiency audit, continue to choose them for any additional lighting you introduce into your home. They use much less energy and produce less heat to decrease fire risk. Also, remember to turn off lights when they are not in use. Better still, use natural light when you can by opening curtains or blinds during the day to minimize the need for artificial lighting.

  • Maintain appliances

    Proper selection and maintenance of your home’s appliances can also pay off. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances with high energy efficiency ratings and consider replacing old, inefficient models. Doing your laundry with an ENERGY STAR-certified washer and dryer can save up to $210 annually, and consume 28% to 43% less energy. Also, ENERGY STAR-certified refrigerators are about 9% more energy efficient. Proper maintenance can also ensure optimal efficiency. Regularly clean filters, coils, and vents to remove dust and dirt that can hinder performance. Also, smart plugs and timers can allow you to schedule specific times for devices to turn on or off, reducing energy usage. and cutting unnecessary consumption.

  • Manage home temperature

    Did you know that heating and cooling draw the most home energy consumption? To reduce losses, ensure window and door sealing is properly maintained. HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems should also be cared for regularly including replacing filters and getting professional inspections. A programmable thermostat can help adjust temperature settings according to your daily schedule to optimize energy usage and enable saving up to 10% annually on your heating and cooling costs. However, being energy efficient doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort. Read more about how to find a balance of both in our previous blog.


  • Adjust water heating

    Lowering the temperature of your water heater by just a few degrees can result in significant energy savings. Insulating water pipes can further minimize heat loss reducing the energy required for heating. Consider using energy-efficient water heaters, such as tankless or solar-powered systems, to further decrease energy consumption. These water heaters are 24% to 34% more energy-efficient than their conventional counterparts.

By understanding your energy consumption and incorporating these practices into your daily life, you’re not only contributing to a greener future but also enjoying further financial savings on your utility bills. This dual benefit makes the journey towards energy efficiency even more rewarding, offering both environmental and economic advantages for your household and community. Every small change in our habits and consumption patterns can lead to significant impacts over time.

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