PosiGen Solar Blog - Solar Energy Insights, News & Tips

Solar Panels in Winter - Everything You Need to Know

Written by PosiGen | Dec 4, 2018

Every year brings its own challenges, Northeastern homeowners have experience with heavy snows, ice storms, and bitterly cold winters. Depending on the year, it’s not uncommon to expect 5-6 feet of snow — sometimes in just one storm!

So for our neighbors who invest in solar, winter weather is a real concern. After all, your panels sit outside, exposed to the elements. How can you ensure solar panels in winter stay safe and continue to work their best?

Solar Panels in Winter

Here are the top considerations that you should keep in mind when it comes to your solar energy system this (and every) winter.

Panels Covered in Snow

What’s the one winter chore we all have to deal with? Shoveling out the driveway!

Shoveling and moving snow is hard work — you may be wondering if having solar panels in winter means you’ll also have to start shoveling your roof! The good news is that you don’t need to remove the snow yourself (and, in fact, you shouldn’t try!). Scraping solar panels could result in scratches that can reduce their effectiveness. But more importantly, trying to clear off your roof can be a safety hazard for you. Keep yourself safe by leaving that roof alone.

Solar panels are designed to deal with snow their own way. The black surface will quickly gather heat from the sun. The warm panels will melt the snow, which slides right off your roof. No shoveling required.

Winter’s Impact on Energy Production

Is it true that solar panels in winter can’t generate energy? Thankfully, no. While winter weather can reduce the amount of energy you produce in the winter months, your panels will continue to work just fine.

There are two reasons that winter can cause less energy production:

  • Heavy snowfall may cover your panels, temporarily stopping them from absorbing the sun’s light
  • Shorter days mean less sunlight, which leads to less energy production day to day

So what can you do about the reduced energy generation of your solar panels in winter months? That’s where net metering comes in handy. Net metering automatically measures the amount of electricity you pull from — or feed into — the grid. During the summer months, if your solar system generates more electricity than you use, that electricity is fed back into the grid and you receive credits from your utility company. These credits can then be used to purchase electricity back from the grid during times when your system doesn’t produce quite as much electricity (like during those cold, dark winter months!).

And one more thing: Did you know that low temperatures in the winter can actually help energy production? When your panels aren’t covered in snow, the low temperatures can actually make them run more efficiently!

Damage Caused by Winter Storms

While not every winter storm is catastrophic, we’ve all experienced the wrath of a particularly powerful storm: downed trees and power lines, damage to our homes and cars, and more. It’s only natural that we consider what happens if a storm wreaks havoc on your solar panels in winter.

When you work with PosiGen, you’ll receive high-quality solar panels that are designed to face the elements. Damage is unlikely, but in the event it does happen during a snowstorm, we have you covered. All leased solar electricity systems from PosiGen are fully maintained and insured. If your panels receive any damage from naturally inclement weather, we will take care of the repairs — at no cost to you.

Cozy Up with PosiGen this Winter

Winter storms can be intense, but they’re no match for a high-quality solar energy system. When you install solar with PosiGen, you can be sure you’ll keep generating energy all winter long — and we’ll keep you running with our regular maintenance!

Are you ready to go solar? PosiGen can help. Contact our team today, to learn more about leasing solar panels. Let’s start your savings journey together.